Welcome to our Parish

We want to make it easy for everyone to know what is happening in our parish and how to join us in worship. Our parish website is our online way of extending an invitation to all who want to be part of our community.

The website includes Mass Times, Weekly Newsletter and Contact Details. We also make it easy for you to donate to our parish with a secure and easy to use Online Donations page.

Thanks to all who support the work of St. Senan's Parish. All are welcome in this place.

Mass Times

St. Senan's Church, Enniscorthy

Saturday Vigil 7.00pm
Sunday 11.00am
Monday 7.00pm
Tuesday 7.00pm
Adoration 10.00am - 7.00pm
Wednesday 7.00pm
Thursday 7.00pm
Friday 7.00pm


Confirmation Session 10: Becoming God’s goodness in the world.

February 19, 2023

Simple enough you’d think but the goodness that God expects is of a much higher standard. God wants us to be nothing less than his goodness in the world.

Lots of people think that if you’re good that’s all God requires but God in Jesus pointed out that the goodness of believers must be greater…

Confirmation Session 9: Never lose heart!

February 19, 2023

Perhaps this is the most important detail.

Never, ever, lose heart.

We might fail over and over… perhaps all our lives.

What matters is that we start again and again.

Jesus taught us to love our enemies, to turn the other cheek, to go two miles instead of one, to lend without any hope of…

Confirmation Session 8: God must be able to trust us with his gifts.

February 19, 2023

If we’re dishonest, unfaithful, selfish, then God can’t give his gifts to us because God’s gifts are little bits of Heaven and if God gives Heaven (or even a tiny piece of Heaven) to a dishonest or unfaithful or selfish person he’s creating hell, turning Heaven into hell.

It’s a bit…

Confirmation Session 7: It is wise to apologize for the hurt we’ve caused to God before asking for his gifts.

February 19, 2023

There’s stuff that we do – being dishonest, unfaithful, selfish, spiteful, stealing, lots of stuff – that offends and hurts other people. But what we do to other people we also do to God – so this stuff also hurts and offends God.

Stuff that hurts God and other people is…

Confirmation Session 6: How do I pray – outside Mass and in (during) Mass?

January 29, 2023

Outside Mass: Create the space and the time and use your own words.

In prayer speak to God as you would to another person, as you would to a friend using your own words. What do you speak about…

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