New Pastoral Area Mass Times effective August 15th 2022

Published on August 22, 2022

The decisions we’re now making weigh heavily on me. Perhaps that’s been my dominant feeling in recent days – just the pressure of making these decisions even if they’re not my decisions alone and due largely to circumstances beyond the control of all involved.

I’m aware too that I’m experiencing a deep sadness. Perhaps that’ll change in time but at the moment I’m deeply saddened to be participating in making decisions that impact on the lives of religious people in St. Senan’s Parish, good faithful people. To you, I’m truly sorry.

My workload is about to increase substantially. I’m fearful. It’s a daunting prospect. But it’s time to trust again.

Soon, together with my familiar face you’ll see two new priest-faces in the Shannon Chapel. If they’re received and looked after half as well as I have been, they’ll be two very blessed men!

In this, and in all things, Jesus be praised!

Fr. Paddy


The new Mass schedule for the Pastoral Area of St Senan’s, St Aidan’s, Marshalstown and Castledockrell will be as follows:


Sunday Mass Schedule

St. Senan’s Church

Saturday Vigil 7.00pm

Sunday 11am only*

*We are losing the 9.00am Mass


St. Aidan’s Cathedral

Saturday Vigil 6.00pm

Sunday 10am & 12noon



Saturday Vigil 7.30pm



Sunday 9.30am*

*Moving from 10.00am to 9.30am


Weekday Mass Schedule

St. Senan’s 7.00pm Mon – Fri


St. Aidan’s 10.00am Mon – Sat


Marshalstown* Tuesday only 9.30am


Castledockrell* Thursday only 9.30am

*Marshalstown and Castledockrell are losing three weekday Masses.


St. John’s To be confirmed


Castle Gardens To be confirmed



St. Aidan’s 10.00am & 12noon


St. Senan’s 11.00am (alternative time when possible)


Marshalstown/Castledockrell arranged as possible.