Prayer is the use of our freedom to invite God to breach our personal space.
It’s our consent, our permission given to God. Such is God’s respect for human freedom that without this invitation… this consent… this permission… God will not enter our personal space.
So, without prayer God remains outside… distant… remote… little more than a thought or a possibility!
Prayer is vital.
Without it… nothing!
Prayer must become an essential part of the rhythm of our lives… as important as our food or our nights rest.
It must become a daily activity, twice daily, three times a day, over years… and more years!
It will require its own uninterrupted time and space.
The only difference between you (or me) and Padre Pio is the amount of time spent in prayer and the quality of that prayer. The only difference between the many who are called and the few who are chosen is the amount of time spent in prayer and the quality of that prayer.
If you’re ready to develop this level of commitment you’re well on the way to being ready for Confirmation, which is really to say; you’re getting ready for God!
Start by asking God to create in your very self a real hunger and thirst for Him.
Without a hunger and a thirst for God you’re not likely to even start this journey.
Sometimes, the hunger and desire for God is created out of real human need… a crisis… the feeling that there’s nowhere else to go…
Often though, we need to create it ourselves by simply asking for it over time.
At the same time ask the Holy Spirit to come and make her home in you. Invite the Holy Spirit to begin breaching your personal space.