I’m afraid that during the past week we depleted our financial resources and the parish account slipped into the red.
Firstly, let me say that it’s taken almost a year of the pandemic for this to happen. I find this truly amazing and testament to the generosity of the contributing parishioners of St. Senan’s Church.
Secondly, due to the high incidence of infection in late December 2020 and early January 2021, we decided to not ask the area distributors to deliver the 2021 envelope boxes. As a result the majority of the 2021 boxes are still here! Undoubtedly, this has contributed significantly to the current financial squeeze.
At the moment the 2021 boxes are available for collection from the Church. If you usually contribute through the envelope collection collection but don’t have the 2021 envelopes, perhaps you might collect your boxes of envelopes at your convenience.
As always, your unfailing and loyal support, and the management of our financial resources is greatly appreciated – and a profound source of personal amazement.
I am blessed, abundantly, every day.
Thank you.