During the month of November the Church invites us to remember our beloved dead.
For me it’s one of the most beautiful and privileged tasks entrusted to me; to take the very person of Jesus, his body and blood, and offering him to the Father Almighty, to entrust in Him, the souls of all whom you’ve asked me to remember.
May I suggest that you make a ritual of it, take a little quiet time and space, light a candle, and allow the names of your beloved dead to enter your mind, and remembering each one, gently write their names on a piece of paper (if you’ve a young family you might like to involve the little ones). Take as long as you need, and don’t be afraid of tears.
Once you’ve completed your list place it in an envelope and return it to the Church (there’s a secure post-box inside the Church).
There’s an envelope for this purpose in the annual box of envelopes distributed to contributing parishioners, but it’s not necessary to use this envelope, any envelope will suffice. Indeed the envelope provided is a little on the small side and each year I mean to have it changed. Perhaps next year!