Welcome back to St. Senan’s!
Up to 50 people with the following protective measures:
2m social distancing guidelines adhered to (members of the same household can sit/stand close together).
Wearing of face coverings (preferably a mask rather than a visor).
Separate points of entrance and exit – as before.
Please, in the interest of public health, no congregation by people outside the building before and after any service.
Be kind to the Stewards – they’re volunteering and working in the interest of public health.
Please use the advance booking system for 7.00pm Mass on Saturday and 11.00am on Sunday https://www.supersaas.com/ schedule/St_Senan’s_Parish/ Mass If you’ve not already done so, you’ll need to create a user account – your email and a password of your choice. These will be your log-in details for future use. We’ll still do our best to accommodate all who arrive, booked or not, but booking helps!
If necessary additional measures will be put in place to address overcrowding, to include scheduling additional Services and increased stewarding.