Dear Parent(s)/Guardians(s),
Jesus be praised!
At this stage I am hopeful that we have put Covid 19 behind us and we can now begin the process of returning to a more social preparation for First Communion.
To begin the process, you are requested to register your child with the parish. Registration Forms are available online here: or from the Parish Office 053 9261729 or Please return the completed form to the Parish Office – in person, by post or by email – as soon as possible but before 01st October 2022.
Parental/guardian involvement in the preparation of the children is always welcome and in this regard I have one simple request: If your child(ren) is/are not familiar with Mass please make the task of familiarizing your child(ren) with Mass your primary involvement between now and First Communion. Right now the most helpful and the most beneficial parental/guardian involvement – from the perspective of the school, particularly the class teachers, and the parish – is for parent(s)/guardian(s) to assume responsibility for teaching the children the really practical stuff about Mass, the prayers and responses, when to sit, kneel, stand, how to bow, genuflect, receive Communion; essentially to ensure that when First Communion day arrives the children are familiar with Mass.
To assist parent(s)/guardian(s) we will schedule a meeting in early October in which we will offer practical guidance and support.
To assist you further with this task I am including the Mass times in Enniscorthy:
St. Senan’s Church
Sat 7.00pm
Sun 11.00am
Monday – Friday 7.00pm
St. Aidan’s Cathedral
Sat 6.00pm
Sun 10.00am & 12noon
Monday – Saturday 10.00am
Once we receive your completed Registration Form and have uploaded your details to our messaging system, I will be in touch by text message.
Meanwhile, blessings.
Fr. Paddy (Banville)