November – a time to remember and a time for confidence rather than presumption

Published on October 31, 2021

Yes, we remember in November, but for believers it is not just about remembering – even if the memories are beautiful – it’s about remembering so that we can help all whom we remember to advance in the Kingdom of God.

Please take a little time to list your departed loved ones and perhaps a soul or two that might be long forgotten. I tend to include the souls of despised sinners (criminals) too. There is a designated envelope for this purpose in the envelope boxes but an ordinary everyday envelope is just as good. Then we’ll offer Mass throughout November for all whom we’ve named seeking their advancement in the Kingdom.

This is working in the unseen but I cannot stress enough the importance of this work – overall I believe we tend to presume a little too much here. We tend to work from presumption rather than confidence. Presumption is based on nothing whereas confidence always has a basis, in this case Christ’s work of salvation.

For a more detailed consideration of all this please click here: November – a time to remember and a time for confidence rather than presumption | paddybanville’s Blog